No. SilTite™ ferrules can only be used with specific SilTite™ nuts which are characterised by two notches on the outside of the nut. The reason for this is that the angle in the tapered end of the nut is specifically designed to cause the tapered end of the ferrule to seal on the capillary column as the nut is tightened the required 60°. Swagelock type nuts don't have the correct angle on the taper to seal the ferrule on to the capillary column.
Which way does the SilTite™ ferrule go into the nut?
The ferrule is a back ferrule, which means that the tapered end of the ferrule goes into the tapered recess of the nut. This leaves the flat face of the ferrule to be in contact with the flat face of the interface providing an airtight seal.
How do I condition my capillary column before using it?
Each SGE capillary column is factory conditioned and tested. It is recommended to give your column a short (30-60 minutes) conditioning before use. Further information can be found in the Capillary Column Installation Guide.
Do you supply bonded phases for your capillary columns?
All SGE columns displayed on the website are premium low-bleed columns with bonded phases. This means that one is able to wash the columns with solvent.
Do SGE manufacture Porous Layer Open Tubular (P.L.O.T.) columns?
Do SGE supply FAME standards?
SGE do not supply FAME standards, but there are a number of companies that do. We suggest that you contact one of the following companies, Matreya, NuChek Prep, Ultra Scientific, and Larodan.
Why do my chromatogram peaks appear very broad?
Check the injection system first. If you are using split injection, ensure that your split flow is at least 20 mL/min. If you are using splitless injection, ensure your initial oven temperature is at or below the boiling point of the solvent.
I have a mass spec in my lab, what capillary column should I use in this?
The best general purpose column is the BPX5 column. It has a 5% phenyl phase and the most versatile size is 30 meters x 0.25 mm ID with a 0.25 micron film (Part No. 054101). This column has been designed for mass spec applications and is especially low bleed.
Is there a quick way that I can see all the supplies for my GC instrument?
Yes, click on this link 'SELECTION BY INSTRUMENT'. Clicking this gives the option of selecting supplies specific for your GC, such as autosampler syringes, ferrules, liners, septa and electron multipliers.
Do septa contain phthalates that can contaminate my analysis?
Phthalates are seldom present in Silicone parts. There are no phthalates added to the septa during the manufacturing process.
• Evaporator
• Centrifuges
• Amani Product Guide 2013
• Distilling&Mixing
• Thermo HPLC Columns Catalog